Friday, December 28, 2007

Williamsburg - Day 1

I miss Sandie!!! But, I"m making due...

We arrived after a 9 instead of 5 hour drive - traffic was hellish from baltimore down.

Spoke with lots of people (reenactors), found the one I wanted to take home with me, and danced with Henry Playford (son of John Playford) himself!

Of course that brought up the following statement from TC:

Pint of Guiness: $4.95
Acrylic tricorner hat: $14.95
Challenging Playford with his own choreography (cuz I did): Priceless!


Today can't be better than yesterday. But, it can still be fun.

Oh, and Williamsburg though close to accurate still needs work in some areas...

like the hammer dulcimer/classical guitar performance - while beautiful - playing gospel and southern songs (She'll be coming around the mountain) is just WRONG!!! It actually ruined the performance for me.

The museums are nice - though they are overflowing with gift shops...that's a bit annoying.

Okay - going back out there now. :) *doesn't open until 9, and is only 3 blocks away.



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