Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Okay so here's the deal. When I started my vo-tech school I was in Thompson's Education Direct for an Associate in Specialized Business, for Paralegal Studies. I'm currently in the last class of my 2nd semester after 2 years of part time school. Very cool.So, about 6 months ago, I get told that they're changing the name to Penn Foster Career School. Sounds like an actual school now, so I'm all sorts of impressed, and it's not so embarassing to have to explain because it sounds like what it is.

SO....Today I got a letter. I thought it was for me to pay the proctor for my final exams - since those are coming up when I get back from Italy. I open it. It reads:

Dear Nicole:
I am pleased to inform you that we recently became licensed in Arizona as Penn Foster College. Under ths new name we have been authorized to aware Associate of Science Degrees. All students in our degree programs will now become part of Penn Foster College. We are very excited.... blah blah blahI"M IN COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!

Hey, maybe they'll even start offering Bachelors Degree programs, then I don't have to transfer much except change my major to HR management, which is an associates degree they already offer.

Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!


Blogger Sandie said...

I'm very excited for you! An actual associates degree will stand you much better in the work world than a certificate. (read: more money!) and it will transfer easily to another college if you persue your bachelors degree. Many schools won't accept a certificate as completed course work.

I'm so happy for you that they were able to become accredited! Lots of luck to you and keep us posted on how you are doing. (good luck on those exams, too! You'll do great, I know it!)

9:08 AM  

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