Wednesday, February 01, 2006


So, I used to model. Nothing too professoinal, but I did have a professional (and internationally known) photographer. I had 2 of my pictures published (one in a magazine/one in a book) and I have 2 of my 'parts' pictures up on my photographer's website. Parts pictures are ones only of parts of the body. In this case, both were of my hands.

I was going to do a show in a few weeks, but decided not to when I went on the website. The pamphlet I received spun it as a runway walk, judged, to get your name as a model out there. The website said that it's really the 'Miss Sunburst Pagent', where you get to stand in line, walk to the center of the stage, do 2-3 poses and then say something interesting about yourself in 15-30 seconds. Yea, I don't think so. But, at a friends suggestion, I did get myself onto a site called model mayhem, where you post your pics and photographers in your area seek you out. I've gotten 6 offers already, all for paying gigs in the area... and unlike some of my shoots from the past - these are clothed. Some pose with lingere - which I'd be willing to do again - that was a TON of fun...and it's not something that can come back and stab me in the back. Nude modeling can come off as porn, instead of erotica or art. Clothed in lingere or a bathing suit, protects you a little more. And now that i'm going into HR more than massage it's really not against a code of ethics or anything either. (I know because I actually discussed this with my HR director!!!)

Men, stop reading here....women continue if you don't mind some oversharing:

On another note I've been having some weird womanly stuff going on lately. I've been gassy, bloated, migrained and crampy - I've been tossing and turning because of the discomfort sleeping (cramps mostly) but damned if I'm bleeding. Nothing, not a drop. I feel like Ishould be in my 1st or 2nd day - but the feeling doesn't go away and the blood doesn't come. I got a tubal last year, so I should be okay really - but I almost want to get a pg test for peace of mind.


Yes, this is probably caused by stress, and I've been trying to have a good cry to get the stress out - but to no avail. Dance hasn't worked, studying, researching, a nice hot shower/bath, massage, sleep, relaxation, playing music - nothing's helped relax me. I'm not scared - like 'omg i'm pg' but I'm like 'okay can we just get this over with already?' I'm sick of feeling off, and I'm tired of it all, and I just want to bleed!!!

It's times like this I don't want to wait until I'm 36 to have a hysterectomy. However, the only medical way for a hysterectomy would be for another show of the precancer, and you know, I' think I'd rather skip that!

okay end icky rant.



Blogger Jennie C. said...

I'm sure you know that if anything is off with your cycles, you should see a doctor. That said, are your cycles normally regular, and are you due for your period? Personally, I feel like you described about midmonth when I ovulate. It lasts about half a day for me, though, and I feel that way again the first two days of my period. You can email me if you want.

8:51 AM  
Blogger Sandie said...

Liar! You said you'd update your blog!

Sorry I haven't been at the phone much lately. I do like you and I'm not avoiding you!

We are having a C-section on monday at 8:00 (unless we get bumped back, but hopefully that won't happen!) So expect a call from Sam sometime that morning!

Also . . . we are going to be having a party for the girls 1st birthday and to welcome our new little bundle the weekend after march 9th . . .I'm not sure of the date or if it will be Saturday or Sunday, but we'd love to have you join us! I don't think we'll be ready for overnight guests by then, though. I'll only be out of the hospital about 2 weeks when this happens so . . .

Love you and I'll talk to you soon.

8:06 AM  

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