Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I remember hating high school...

No no, really I do remember hating it. I remember some good points, and some great friends, but mostly I remember being in bad relationships, being gawky, having no experience, no self esteem, being too smart for the 'normal' kids and too dumb for the smart kids, being anorexic, having an abusive home life, being told by my best friends I was going to hell, losing and readjusting my faith, trying to find solace in the church, and being told I was going to hell, my first suicidal thoughts, my more serious suicide attempts, running away, being told I wasn't smart enough for the guys I wanted, coming out (not so bad), swearing to fit in, being the outcast in the goths because I didn't party or do drugs, being threatened on a weekly basis...etc
Good points were definitely there - the Newsies, the outsiders, writing, friends, colorguard, literary art magazine, Tennis, starting in the SCA, great conversations on the phone... 3 musketeers... ... choir...well there was stuff
So, here I am thinking - what the hell, I'll play nice in the sandbox and become part of the alumni committee. Then I call the school - they did away with that years ago. Ooook. Now it falls on the students. So I call the place where the proms used to be (wayne manor) - nope closed up. Um... Okay, so now I'm in charge of the alumni committee for 1999. I have one girl who's already volunteered to help me, I've sent over 60 emails to try to get people onto the alumni site, I'm updating the site as I type to include the people needed from the yearbook.
I remember hating high school. How the hell did I get in charge of this?
It's weird a few people have told me to drop the project, and I"m like - well if I don't do it, it's not getting done. And I think a 10 year reunion would be nice, so let's do it. So, I'm doing it because I want to. So how crazy am I for taking this on ...including looking into fund-raising,opportunities... just because!?
I remember hating high school...


Blogger Sandie said...

I'd say: You are nuts and this just proves it again! lol

What on earth are you thinking? Is it at all important to you? Are you that bored?!

Before you get too crazy into this, examine why you are really doing it. I'm not trying to tell you to drop it, but search yourself and find out what you are expecting out of it. My guess is that some part of you is hoping that by doing this for everybody you will be seen as saying "even though you treated me like garbage I cared enough to do this for you." but this isn't going to change what high school was and you likely won't get the responses you are looking for.

Let me know what you are thinking on that!

Love and hugs!

11:56 AM  

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