Sunday, September 07, 2008

Barleycorn 2008

Friday I went out with D, C, and E. We went to fudruckers, where I had a fudruckers burger for the first time since I was 10. I'm impressed. They're very good. Usually I just get their fries because I remember not liking their burgers, and that they would fill me up too quickly. The 1/3 lb was just right, though it did fill me up quickly so that I couldn't completely enjoy the fries. But, that's okay. It was a really good burger!

Afterwards, we went to see the Dark Knight. It was really freaking. And, even though he's dead, I think Heath Ledger should receive an award for the role. It was superb. And, of course, Christian Bale and Gary Oldman made the movie. Large amounts of wow. It did make me kind of sad though. Having nothing to do with the movie. The loss of Heath Ledger really bugs me. He did such wonderful things for all sorts of people, and was a brillant handsome young actor to boot. So so sad.

Saturday the four of us headed up to barleycorn. Unfortunatly, it was really wet and humid... hot in the day, yicky in the evening. If I had been smarter, I would have brought my homework. I didn't want to move. I spoke to a few friends and put in bids (though didn't win anything) during the auction for the Royal travel fund.

Finally got to thank R, for a very kind and honest talk she had with me at war. It changed my life for the better, and made me feel like I wasn't so alone and not everything in life had to be so extreme.

Unfortunatly, I forgot to tell E&C that R was receiving her AOA at court. I sort of remembered that she had to be there, while she and I were talking, but it didn't dawn on me to pass it along. I didn't realize about W's until D told me at court. I may have known that too, but there were other more important things going on in my life, so it got forgotten.

But, it was cold, wet and rainy, so really, if D hadn't initiated the walk to court, I probably wouldn't have gone either.

Though the look on W's face when his name was called was priceless. I really wished I had brought my camera. Those would have been sublime pictures.

I was a little annoyed at feast. W&R, H, J, D, and myself were supposed to sit together. Yet again, the group got separated. D & I sat with very friendly total strangers. It's a good way to make friends, but we were told that the 6 of us would hang out between removes... I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that we didn't. But, it was still disappointing.

Dancing afterwards was nice. Good friends. And good memories - including getting prompted to teach Gracca and translating. R prompted me with the steps, I taught them in english (mostly) so that others could do the dance, even when they didn't know the 16th century steps by name.

I didnt' realize that R and I worked so well together. It was really refreshing.

We left late, and D was able to drive us out of the city...thank goodness. Then he took me up on my offer to take over. I needed a vivrin and some pepsi, and E to talk to me... but I was awake and able to drive us back to my place. And, D got some much needed rest. It's nice that his car handles like my Nissan used to, so it really wasn't difficult to drive... not like when my friends say "Here drive my 4x4/SUV."

Today - studying and violin. :) Sounds like a good day to me.

I may have to order a pizza too... Yum!

For those of you (kelly) who have wanted pictures, go to my flickr account:

Barleycorn 2008


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